Rhapsodes on a roll
Thursday | May 5, 2016
Key Largo (1948).
In the last week or two, my new book The Rhapsodes has been lucky enough to attract attention. There are now four reviews: one by Geoffrey O’Brien in the print edition of Artforum; another by Nick Pinkerton in the print edition of Sight & Sound; one online by Michael Philips of the Chicago Tribune; and one online by David Hudson, head wrangler at Fandor. All were more generous than they needed to be, although how could I lose by quoting Ferguson, Agee, Farber, and Tyler? These guys carried me. There are some quotes from the reviews at the University of Chicago Press site.
In addition, the Library of America has run a Q & A with me about the relevance of my four critics to movie criticism today. Thanks to Jeff Tompkins for handling this.
Coming up, here in NYC:
*An evening of discussion and book-signing at Videology at 7 PM on 9 June!
*Screenings of four films related to the book at the American Museum of the Moving Image, 25-26 June!
Thanks to Erik Luers of Videology and David Schwartz of MoMI for arranging these events. If you’re in the neighborhood, why not drop by?
P. S. 6 May: Thanks to Fiona Pleasance for updating my S & S link.